Jean is a talented artist living in the inspiring environment of the small coastal town, Stilbaai in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Jean Roelofse is of course no exception – she loves the outdoors and frequently hikes around the various hiking trails. It was never about art for her, but was rather therapeutic while the world as she knew it was ripped apart and the truth revealed. She came to realise that in the lives of most of us, what we see and witness, cannot be farther from the truth.
This gentle painter likes to work in oil on a canvas prepared with acrylic paint. Her first training in working with oil paint was for three days under tutelage of Bob McKenzie by who’s methods she still paints. She also paints on request. Jean paints people’s special photos and does not work on prints. She will sometimes deviate from the photograph, either on request or when sensing something different. She makes only one painting of a photo and is willing, if asked, to acknowledge the photographer by adding his/her name on the painting below her own. Although Jean is very modest about this, she has won the Kwikstert Award twice. This award is for the best painting on the annual art exhibition of the Stilbaai Kunsvereniging where the work of various artists is exhibited. Not only does she paint, but she is also a sculptor.
Visit her by appointment
Contact: Jean Grooff
Tel: 082 446 6199